Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENU.EXE 1 4 15 12 6 8 9 20 12 5 18 110 23 1 19 8 9 14 7 20 15 14 130 The author regards all statements as correct. ANSWER WINDOW 1 Earthbeast 2 Seabeast 3 Dragon WINDOWANSWER WINDOW ANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDOPress F1 for Answer WindowPress ENTER to continue.Press ENTER to return to DOS. Revelation 13 END OF PROJECT 130: Two Beasts and a Lamb * * * * * truth and righteousness. in the process of guaranteeing the final triumph of strophic things to earth (the Third Woe), but only > This is the seventh trumpet of God, bringing cata- because the last word belongs to God (777). achieve on earth, his word is still semi-final (666), > Whatever successes the dragon and his two beasts may then three sixes are a triply imperfect number. > If three sevens are a triply perfect number, Consider: number 666 is derived from its relation to the number 777. It is much more likely that the significance of the of the meaning of the number 666. they do not seem to supply a satisfactory explanation Regardless of whom these numeric values may suggest, *** HOMILY *** ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ total Try it using your own name. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ A D O L F H I T L E R total ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ W A S H I N G T O N total CAUTION: Press ENTER only after the total is entered. by letter, and then show the total. 1. Show the numeric equivalent of the following, letterScreen # 7 There is no Answer Window for this screen. NOTES: This exercise is continued on next screen. 5 4 23 9 14 23 1 12 8 15 21 20 155 E D W I N W A L H O U T total would be 1, B would be 2, C would be 3, and so forth, thus: In our English alphabet, then, the numeric equivalent of A also for the number 1, preceded by a number sign #, thus #A. do double duty as numbers; for example, using the letter A Some ancient languages required their alphabet letters to G. What does the mark of the beast, 666, signify (13:16-18)?Screen # 6 the Spirit of Christ. continues the form of Christianity but lacks 6. ___ For us the image might mean a church which which he earlier described as synagogues of Satan. 5. ___ John may have had in mind the Jewish synagogues and yet regulates its members inflexibly. institution which has lost sight of the truth 4. ___ One such possibility could be a religious a) deceives and b) harasses Christians. the Earthbeast, is some institution which 3. ___ An IMAGE of this function (harassment), made by dragon (Satan) in flagrant harassment of Christians. 2. ___ The seabeast in turn represents the power of the 1. ___ The image represents the seabeast. (Use x to select, ENTER to bypass.) each item which you understand and with which you agree. determine what the SPEAKING IMAGE (13:15) represents. Mark F. The following statements form a chain of reasoning to Screen # 5 7. ___ Transmuting Christianity into ecclesiastical rules. 6. ___ Governmental banning of Christian worship services. 5. ___ Equating good psychology with faith. 4. ___ Using songs like 'Rudolf ...' to celebrate Christmas. 3. ___ Mixing religions into a super-religion. 2. ___ Heresy within the Christian church. 1. ___ Persecution of Christians by the Roman emperors. (subtle delusion). Use S or E . Sea (outward opposition) or the beast from the Earth following as to whether it illustrates the beast from the times as well, make a judgment concerning each of the work, not only during John's time but during all subsequent E. Assuming that this vision depicts continuing forces atScreen # 4 c. ___ lowest b. ___ middle a. ___ highest 1. Earthbeast 2. Seabeast 3. Dragon Arrange these three in hierarchical order: D. Compare 13:2b, 4, 12, 14.Screen # 3 language, and nation 6. ___ Receives authority over every tribe, people, 5. ___ Worshipped by all except Christians 4. ___ Sets up an image and makes it speak 3. ___ Puts mark on everyone's hand or forehead 2. ___ Performs miracles 1. ___ Makes war against saints, conquers them (S) the seabeast (E) the earthbeast C. For the following statements, show which describe of fraud and deceit. 2. ___ The power of the beast from the earth is that open antagonism and opposition. 1. ___ The power of the beast from the sea is that of Enter the verse number. B. Find a verse which clearly demonstrates the following:Screen # 2 d. Represents intimidation. c. Represents deception. b. Looks like a lamb, but with no bleat. elements from a bear, a lion, a leopard. (cf. Dan. 7:2-7) a. Resembles a committee design; that is, with inharmonious 2. The monster from the ground: ___ ___ 1. The monster from the water: ___ A. Match (two items for each) offspring,' namely the followers of the male child, Christians. the dragon continues his battle against 'the rest of her counterpart from the earth. By using these two dread beasts, summons two monstrous beasts, one from the sea and a takes a stance 'on the shore of the sea.' From there he Setting: at the conclusion of chapter 12, the great red dragon I. TWO BEASTS: from the Sea and from the Earth (13:1-18)Screen # 1 by entering MENU at the DOS prompt instead of REV . you can bypass the opening screens (and the music) In the future when re-accessing REVELATION TUTORIAL NOTE: PROJECT 130: Screens 1 - 7 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. The menu at the bottom of the screen means: HELP Project 130 examines this strategy. to do his dirty work. The dragon summons two dread beasts Revelation 13 READING FOR THIS PROJECT ( Screens 1 - 7 ) TWO BEASTS AND A LAMB PROJECT 130 namely Christians. turns his attention to the rest of her offspring, foiled in his attempt to destroy the woman and her child, The great red dragon of chapter 12,